Friday, 25 April 2014

InDesign Tutorial: How to add images behind your text

In this tutorial I will be showing you how to add images behind your text. This is a great way to add something different to a title or larger writing on a poster perhaps.

Today we will be working in Adobe InDesign

  1. Open a new blank document in Adobe InDesign
  2. Using the text box, write a word that you would like to place images behind. For this example I will be using the word 'HANDGLOVERY'. (Adding more than one text box for your word means you can use different images for each text box).
  3. Make this writing quite large and choose a typeface that is bold as large. (A bold and large typeface will be used to make it easier to see the images placed inside the letters). 
Cannot decide on which typeface to use?
Try; Britannic Bold, Arial Black, Copper Black or Impact. Today I will be working with the typeface 'Arial Black'.

     4.  Convert your text to an object. (cmd + shift + o    or    control + shift + o)

   5.  Once you have arranged your letters and converted them to an object. Use the swatches tool bar to make the inside of the letters 'no fill' and the outlines to have 'fill'. (You can chose any colour for your outlines fill colour).
 (Example of where to change the fill and outlines of the colour. This is what the swatches tool should look like once you have added fill to the outlines and no fill to the inside of the objects)

(This is now what your text should look like)

   6.  Using the white arrow ('direct selection tool') select a letter.
(direct selection tool)

   7.  Now type 'cmd + d'   or    'control + d' (This is how the images will be placed in the inside of your letters. Now you can select through your own images to find one that you would like to fill your letter with)
  8.  Once you have down this, you can adjust the image added by double clicking the image. A red line should appear around where the image is. You can from here adjust the image by using the corner points to make it smaller and larger. (Hold the shift key to make the image stay in proportion when adjusting size).

 9.  Repeat steps 7-8 to the other letters on your page to complete the design. 

If you do not like how your image looks, you can always remove it and add another by double clicking on where the image is and adding another one. (cmd + d   or   control + d)
 10.  Now that you have all your images behind the text, you can chose to either remove or keep the outlines. For this example I will remove the outlines.

Now you have completed your design! Play around with adding each individual letter in a text box and add separate images to these. Your design will instantly look different.

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